Delete Node From Linked List With Specific Value
Delete Node From Linked List With Specific Value. Given a ‘key’, delete the first occurrence of this key in the linked list. ★ make the second node as the head node.
Check if this is the last node of the list. Your function must follow following constraints: After the deletion of the middle node.
We Need To Keep Track Of The Two Nodes.
If list is empty, just return. Create a temporary pointer (ptr) & equate it to head to point to the first node. 1 enter the number of elements :
If The First Node (Where The Head Points To) Matches With The Value To Be Deleted.
Node *rmvnode(node *head, int index){ node *tmp = head; The previous should be pointing to the node before the key node. 3 enter the value for the node 3 :
// Free The Actual Node *Success_Flag = 1;
We compare given value with the value of each node of the list; Copy the head pointer into a temporary pointer temp. If the node to delete is head node, it calls deleteheadnode and for other nodes, it calls deletenode.
If ( Head == Null) Then Write ('Can't Delete From An Empty List') End If Else Then Todelete ← Head ;
2 enter the value for the node 5 : Create a temp node (auxiliary node to store reference of node to be deleted). Your function must follow following constraints:
1) Find The Previous Node Of The Node To Be Deleted.
You are given the second node with value 5, the linked list. // aux will point to the remaining list free(ptr); Deleting from beginning of the list i.e deleting the first node of the list.
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